Sunday Misadventures

Monday, August 17, 2015

It's one of those days again... When pressure and anxiety altogether kicks in and the things that happened lately makes it worse. Lately, getting up from bed every morning seems harder, even the things that make me sane and love most (like books and blogging) isn't appealing anymore, asking myself "why" over and over again, and making decisions are so difficult that I was telling myself "Screw this. Can I just die?". No matter how much I try to stay positive, sad thoughts keep coming back which make me cry myself to sleep. 

misadventure, sunday, adventure, life lately, ice cream, love
August 9, 2015
It was Sunday morning that I found myself at the backseat of our car on the way to the beach for a Sunday outing with the family. I'm not a beach person really and I don't even know why I came there. I just sat there as I wiggle my toes on the sand while staring ahead, watching the waves of the sea while the hot air blows my hair. There is this certain calmness the waves bring. I realised that maybe I just need a break, to step back and just breathe, to recharge myself.

I received a text from a friend that she too is suffering from what i'm going through. So without any plans, we decided to go somewhere to find the right path:

Walking around the city (under the heat of the sun!) without knowing where to go.
Settling to a dainty cafe for lunch while reading a few pages of The Little Prince and having deep conversation about life and our future.
Bell pepper and eggplant ice cream for desert while deciding where to go next. And more deep conversations...
And Polomolok it is!
Thrift shopping (aka Ukay-ukay) and being pissed of smokers nearby.
Our last stop: At the park where we sat on the grass and talk about deciding on which path to go to our not.

My life has been in routines and I was consumed by my day-to-day boring life.I'm glad that I was able to break from it and spending the day not knowing what to do nor where to go made me feel alive. It was what I needed. To be honest, I can't say that our mini adventure helped me 100% but it surely cleared out my mind a bit. And I finally had time to think over my problems and decided what's right and what's best. It gave me what I was longing for weeks or even months... To stop, think, and just breathe.

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  1. Hope you're doing fine now Joyce. Sometimes we have days like those and all we need is a friend, a time to relax and a time to have fun :)

    1. I totally agree, Ali. Despite the busy sched, we should have time to just relax

  2. I know what you mean. Last time I felt that way, I took a job and went on a lovely trip several months later. When you look back at it, you'll realize that it isn't at all bad anyway.

  3. It definitely helps to get out of your regular routine and let your mind relax for a bit! I hope you're well now :)

  4. Owh joyce! Hope you're doing good now. We have the same feeling too. Same routine everyday, work work and work. If only it's just easy for me to just leave my work and go somewhere and unwind.

    1. Yes, If only we can... haaay. Adult life is so hard. But yes, I am now doing okay. That SUnday helped me relax and just breathe

  5. we have the same feeling, Joyce. i'm in the routine now for not doing nothing but seeking and seeking for job. tired for waiting is the worse phase in my life now and hope it will not last long.going out home for mini adventure is a good choice. i hope you're doing well now :)

    1. Yes. I am. It helped a lot. I hope you're doing fine now, Fitra. :) May Allah bless us

  6. I love having serious talks with my bestfriend too. I wanna try that eggplant ice cream because I'm just a pure sucker for tortang talong and I'm wondering how it tastes as an ice cream. By the way, hope you are doing good now, Ate. Do what makes you happy! <3

    Lou |

    1. Thank you, Lou! :) I'm doing okay..
      The ice cream is creamy, really good!

  7. Breaking the routine really helps! :) I hope you're feeling refreshed and inspired today. :)

  8. I'm having this kind of day right now and decided to go out for a cup of coffee later with my friend. How I miss going to thrift shops :( Hope you're feeling better now :)

    Hope you can visit my blog too & let me know your thoughts by dropping a comment :)
    Ellaine Regala – Le Petite Wears <3
    Follow me on: Blog | Bloglovin | Facebook | | Instagram | Twitter | Pinterest

    1. I hope the coffee makes it all better? Hope you're feeling better now, Ellaine :)

  9. I totally get you. Routine of the same old same old can drive anyone nuts. This is why I try and make the most of out my weekends and do something new or something that makes me happy.

    I hope you feel better now. :)

  10. Salaam and mabuhay! when you feel like this, what I would do:
    - recite our holy Quran then
    - go for coffee with girlfriends
    - go to dance class :-)

    Like your blog. I am an Indonesian with 3 kiddies. I stayed in Manila when I was teen and now living in Cape Town, South Africa. Please visit my blog :

    Wasalam :-)

    1. Walaikum Assalam! Thanks for the tips! Oh wow. I'd love to go to Africa someday. Inshaallah I will. :)

  11. I sometimes feel scared when I walk around the city and I don't know where to go :(
    Great post by the way

    Dice, '96 Wild Heart

    1. Ahh, sometimes we must take risks. You'll never know what you'll learn if you're not gonna try. I hope you will find the courage, Kandice :)

