Foods That Taste Better Cooked on a BBQ

Monday, July 27, 2015

barbeque, food, bbq, grilled food, kebab, recipe

A barbeque can be a versatile cooking tool if used properly. Do you love to entertain in the great outdoors? Are you looking for food that is both tasty and easy to make outside? If this sounds like you, here are some foods that taste better when cooked on a barbeque. Try some of them out and you might even surprise yourself!


Being married to an Arab, I learned to love Arabian food especially Kebab. It's my absolute fave! There are so many different kinds of kebabs you can make, as you can combine a variety of different meats and vegetables with your choice of sauce or marinade. Make it a collaborative affair and get your friends and family involved in the making of your barbequed kebabs. This will make your kebabs just that little bit tastier and will also give everyone a sense of accomplishment.


Another absolute fave! There is nothing better than a homemade pizza! You can be inventive with your toppings combinations and use as many as you want, and you can also cater for any specific dietary requirements. You can make your own dough or buy them premade – pop them onto the grill until you can see grill marks, pile on your toppings on the grilled side and take your pizza off when you see the cheese start to bubble.


Vegetables can be bland and soggy if you overcook them, but at the same time you don’t want them to be undercooked either. Cut them into coins or slices and cook them for the appropriate amount of time. The high temperatures and relatively snappy cooking times mean that all the flavours and nutrients are better preserved, so they will be extra tasty and will have just that little edge over cooked vegetables.


Like vegetables, burgers retain their flavour more so when cooked on a barbeque – just don’t squash them too hard because the juices will then run out. A barbeque is suitable for burger patties of all shapes, sizes and components. Try a burger made of turkey mince (if it's available locally) instead of beef, and if you are feeling adventurous, you might want to try a portabello mushroom patty seasoned with some of your favourite spices.


If you are looking for something sweet to go with all your savoury goods, look no further than fruit! Grilling fruit brings out the sweetness in them, but be careful that you don’t end up burning the whole thing. Make fruit skewers, wrap them in foil and cook on low heat until they look golden and toasty. Living here in the Philippines, it's unlikely in our culture to grill fruits as a side dish whatsoever. But of course this is not new to me,  I've seen this in food network and I can't wait to try this one soon!

Barbeques are a great addition to your cooking arsenal, no matter what kind of cook you claim to be. If you are looking for a new barbeque, specialists such as Barbeques Galore can help you choose the right barbeque for you. You can cook almost anything on a barbeque, so let your imagination run wild!

Which foods do you think taste better when cooked on a BBQ? What is your favourite food to cook outside? Have you ever tried to cook something different on a barbeque? What was it and how did it turn out? Please leave your thoughts and comments down below. I'd love to know them! :)

Barbeques Galore is one of Australia's leading specialty retailers. The Barbeques Galore brand is synonymous with barbeque retailing and is built on the strong foundation of selling barbeques to Australian consumers since 1977. Their product range is primarily focused on barbeques, incorporating both proprietary brands such as Turbo, Cordon Bleu and Beefmaster, and third party brands such as Weber. A typical store also offers complementary outdoor furniture, heating and accessories ranges.

Disclaimer: Photographs in this post belongs to their rightful owners. 

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  1. I love grilled food because 1) they're more healthy and 2) I feel like they are juicier when cooked. Yayyy to bbqs LOL!

  2. You make me hungry very early in the morning :( I have yet to take breakfast and these foods are making me drool soooo much! Haha agh

    Mimi Gonzales | The Foxy Heroine

  3. Ahh your post makes me crave for some BBQ now haha. I lovee grilled steak or chicken on BBQ. Especially charcoal grilled ones. They taste and smell amazing :3

    NICOLE'S NOTEBOOK - lifestyle, food, travel & beauty+

    1. I'm a fan of steaks tooo. and lately i've been trying out different recipes

    2. Yep. and bbqs will really taste goooood if you're using the right grill like what Barbecues Galore are offring :)

  4. I think I'd like to try grilled fruits and vegetables cos I'm getting tired of meats.

    Aneth // Summer Babe

  5. is it insane that I never tried making pizza over bbq before? nice idea!


    1. Yes.... Try to experiment with different recipes. And you can try the grills from Barbecues Galore

  6. Ohh no, the feeling of remorse for reading this post during midnight *sigh to the world*. I cannot take it, but looking at the kebab makes me want to go out this late and go grab some. I wanna try grilled strawberries, I wonder how it tastes :)

    Lou |

    1. Kebab is one of my faves! Since the hubs is arab, I've learned to love arabian food which are mostly grilled.
      Haven't tried grillled strawberries too. Let's try so we can sew

  7. I just found out that the fruit can be used as a bbq. aah, now, i imagine i cook, smell and eat them...i feel so hungry :(

    1. Yessss. It's sooo goood. tho i've only tried grilled pineapples

  8. I was drooling while read this. Especially when looking at the photos. Waaah <3

  9. Oh my gee, reading this on a tuesday morning with an empty stomach is a torture! :O I love barbecues, especially pork and chicken!

    xo, J |

  10. I agree! I love bbqs so much. Now I'm hungry though. Great share xx

    hannie ;

  11. GRILLED BURGERS YES!!! :) I love grilled pineapples but I never really tried grilled fruits. hehe! :)

    Jhanz |

    1. hihi yes yes yes! burgers!!!! I've only tried grilled pineapples too. Surely i'll try to experiment next time

  12. I haven't tried grilled veggies and fruits and I don't know if I ever want to try it! Haha. Burgers for the win! <3333

    xx, J

  13. i've never thought of doing pizza that way, looks so good!

    danielle | avec danielle

  14. Wow! I didn't know you could grill Fruits and Pizza. I have to try this one. I love grilled seafoods and cheese. I also remember eating hotdog and bread. The bread has a special sauce which I really love. Nice post again, Joenah :)

