DIY Hair Removal Wax

Saturday, June 27, 2015


I’ve used wax strips before that can be bought in department stores/drug stores, but it makes my underarms dark. So I switched to Queen Bee hair removal wax, and it works great. Also, the ingredients are all natural. I've read the ingredients and all of it can be found locally. So I thought why not make my own? I googled the right measurement of the ingredients made one for myself. It was really a trial and error process.

Unfortunately, I am one of those who have dark underarms, maybe because of shaving. But I've been using my DIY hair removal wax for a year now (but if i'm too lazy to make my own, I still use the Queen Bee wax) and I've noticed that my underarms became lighter compared before.



  1. In a microwavable safe container, mix the honey, sugar and lemon together and put it in the microwave for 30 seconds. You can use lemon concentrate if you don’t have real lemons on hand, or you can use calamansi.
  2. Stir the mixture and put it in the microwave for another 30 seconds and stir. You can also heat the wax in a saucepan over the stove with a low heat.
  3. Be careful when taking the mixture out of the microwave since it will be hot. Let it cool down until the temperature is comfortable enough to place on your skin without burning. I let mine cool for about 20 minutes before attempting to test it on my skin and the consistency was exactly like thick honey.
  4. You will need strips of fabric to place on the the wax to rip it off so use old t-shirts, cotton muslins or even sanitary liner pads.
  5. Apply a thin layer of the wax onto your desired area in the same direction as the hair growth and immediately apply your strip of fabric to the area. Press down on the fabric and over the wax to make sure it’s bonded. Gently pull your skin taut and pull off the fabric in a quick motion, opposite the direction of the hair growth.
  6. Since the wax is a sugar mixture, clean up is easy with some water and soap. Cover the lid of the container with the wax and store it in your refrigerator. To reuse the wax, either microwave or run hot water over the container until the wax becomes pliable.

And et voila! You'll have a smooth and hairless underarms. 

I really hope you find this post informative. Please do share your thoughts in the comments below. I'm sure your thoughts and suggestions will be a great help to others.

Have a good day! :)

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  1. I've got the same problem as yours, I have this dark underarms and I can't just go out wear sleeveless shirts. Another thing is that I am always too lazy to remain consistent with all the Do's and How to's. But now, I've come to realize that I badly needed to stick to getting rid of the dark underarms. I barely shave now, but I still pluck. It's lighter now but the chicken skin is still a problem. Thanks to this one, I might try this one day. Oh I will really try this! :)

    Lou |

    1. I feel you, Lou. I've tried shaving and plucking but my underarms got darker and the chicken skin oh God. Taking care of the body is truly tiring but you'll get used to it :)
      Try calamansi, it's very effective.

    2. I feel you, Lou. I've tried shaving and plucking but my underarms got darker and the chicken skin oh God. Taking care of the body is truly tiring but you'll get used to it :)
      Try calamansi, it's very effective.

  2. This is really good! I usually shave my pits (but not as often) but I always prefer having it waxed on my local salon. This is super helpful as I wanted to do it by myself na, plus it's way cheaper too!

    1. Yeah, it's more convenient. hehe. I prefer to go to salon too but i don't have that time :(

  3. I'm kinda scared of waxing, and I don't even like shaving all that much. It works for me during swim season because our coach doesn't let us shave until right before championships :P But waxing is more effective than shaving right? Maybe I'll give it a try some time in the future... :) -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's

    1. Hehehe. Yes it is. But if shaving works for you, just maintain it, :)

  4. I've never thought of making DIY wax before. Honestly, I'm just so use to getting strips or going to a spa to get everything ripped in order to look like a newborn's bottom. Haha, I'll definitely have to check this one out now!

    xx Bash | Bash Says Hey | bloglovin'

    1. Haha. yes, if you have time why don't you try it. Tho purchasing wax is much convenient. :D

  5. I also tried buying ready made wax. I want to try this DIY wax because this saves a lot rather than buying or going to salons to get your underarms waxed. I might as well try this :)

    <a href="> THE LEI REGEEL </a>

  6. This is super informative, ate Joyce!!! I usually just shave my armpits but not too frequently (like, once every three months or only when there's occasion hahaha). I don't wear sleeveless often though so it's okay. But this has been heaps of help, really. I think this one will really gradually lighten the skin because it has lemon in it. :) I actually use these ingredients for my face (as in, the effect is awesome and I started to bloom after that), but moderate the lemon because it's going to sting a lot. I didn't know it's just as useful in the underarms :)

    Mimi Gonzales | The Foxy Heroine

    1. Yep. I used to rub lemon in my elbows and knees, surprisingly it got lighten. I stopped tho cos i'm lazy haha

  7. I have dark underarms, thanks to this peeling set that I'm using coz it really helps in lightening the dark areas :)

    Live Blog Love by Hazel Asoy

  8. Ohh! I wanna try this. Any fabric joyce?

    1. Oh I forgot that. You can use katsa or just simply cut an old shirt. hehe

  9. Nice posts :)

  10. ahhh I need this so much. I'm currently using a razor and shaving cream. I've been looking for natural hair removal wax to try out. Thanks! seriously. thanks.

    Dice, '96 Wild Heart

  11. This is really helpful if you really don't have enough money to spend for a wax. Hahaha! I think I should try this. Lazy pa naman din ako. Hahaa!

    1. Hihi yes yes. But it's more convenient to buy tha honey wax at watsons hahaha

