30 things I've learned by 30

Sunday, July 25, 2021

When I was in my teenage years, I wrote the things that I must achieve by the age of 30. And now that I just turned 30, I haven't even accomplished almost half of the things I wrote back then. I mean look at me, instead of saving wild animals in Africa or doing something grand for the planet, I am still here in my hometown living life as a teacher and swamped in a pile of paperwork. I'm not complaining tho! I love teaching and I love inspiring children.

No, I'm not full of wisdom nor have nothing left to learn. Of course there are tons of things in life I still have to learn. But I think compared to my 20 year old self, I am now wiser. 

I cracked my brain out to reflect what have I really learned for the past years... Those things I've learned that shaped me who I am today.

  1. Remember when you wanted what you currently have.
  2. You will lose friends along the way and that's okay.
  3. Your parents are getting old so never be too busy for them. Show them all the love and care while they're still here.
  4. Ego is a weapon of mass destruction.
  5. You are not always right! Be open for constructive criticism.
  6. Own up to your flaws and work on them. Self-reflect!
  7. Protect your solitude.
  8. Always be kind. ALWAYS.
  9. You don't always have to make money from your hobbies.
  10. Talk less. Listen more.
  11. Saving and Emergency fund is very very important.
  12. Start doing your part in saving Mother Earth however small it may be.
  13. It's okay to take a break.
  14. We have our own timeline.
  15. Speak up if you see something wrong and fight for your rights.
  16. Don't be a fucking Misogynist.
  17. Happiness hides in small things.
  18. Remember who checked on you while your struggling.
  19. If it doesn't feel right, it's not right.
  20. It doesn't always go to as planned.
  21. Get close with people who see the world differently than yours, or from backgrounds, ages, and genders.
  22. Put the phone down and take in life around you.
  23. Reading can really take you to places.
  24. Don’t let people borrow money.
  25. Treat a janitor, waiter or helper with the same respect as the CEO.
  26. Your feelings are valid whatever it may be.
  27. Journaling is an effective form of therapy.
  28. It's okay to change your path. 
  29. Don't rush into love. It will always find you at the right time, at the right place.
  30. Regardless of how filthy your past has been, your future is still spotless.

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