To Lanai it is

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

This post has been in my drafts for 4 years now. I’ve been neglecting this blog because life happened and being an adult is a constant struggle. I miss the good old days when blogging was in its prime time. I used to spend late nights writing blog posts about my life, the adventures I’ve had and books I’ve read. Meeting blogger friends was also what I loved and it was quite nice commenting on each other’s posts, but as time goes by the writings have been less and less until it’s none, recently I checked Tumblr and they have not been active for more or less 5 years, now I’m just updated with their IG photos and FB posts, we are all adults now mostly in our thirties and most of us have families of our own. 
Anyways, enough of those nostalgia…

I think this trip to Lanai happened  on a fine sunny day of November 2018. I forgot the specific date though… We went for a drive since Ali had a short vacation in GenSan.
I loved this place! I still do. It’s quaint and peaceful. I wonder how this resort is going now… I have to check their Facebook page after this. 
This trip is becoming a faint memory but I remember we ate at this resort and their chicken dish was delicious. We just spent our time exploring the place, taking photos, and lounging at the grass taking our time to relax and do nothing, Ali even fell asleep. 
Whoever sees this, thank you for taking a bit of your time to read and I hope you enjoy the photos…

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